Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kicking off Week 3

Another drab post-- but I wanted to just take a moment to soak in the amazing greatness that is almost surviving an entire month thus far. I've hit the halfway point.. and while the results are slow going-- they are going. Some up, some down.. but whatevs. that's life right? Life is one big rollarcoaster so I shouldn't expect this life CHANGE to be any different.

I personally don't have huge results to report.. though I have lost a total of 6 inches off of my stomach. Most other measurables are the same as the last time.. and I'm super excited about my 6 inches. My focus this week is going to be on my arms and thighs.. I would LOVE to report an inch off of those. We'll see I suppose.

Being broke has helped my eating habits.. I'm not eating as FREQUENT as I would like.. but because there is so little to go around, I'm forced to follow portion control. I'm actually quite proud of that. Kim & I actually inducted a treat a week yesterday on our weigh in day. I purchased a snack size 1.00 brownie mix and made that. My family + Kim & I indulged.. and I'm proud to say that I only took one or two bites of it. I'm not going to NOT eat something I want.. and considering Auntie is in town starting today.. I'm sure I'll want mucho chocolate and salt!


So anyway.. Kim is on the way over-- and we're starting week 3. Hopefully we can snap some photos.. but if not, I promise we'll do a post at some point this week full of some great snapshots.

Blobette, Ova & Out.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm proud of all of you! My idea of "diet and work-out" was always, "Only order for TWO people instead of three, and power-walk to the fridge, baby!" (not really, but it had the same outcome!) I'm also very glad that you are able to have friends to do this with. Strength in numbers! Or... misery lives company? Keep up the awesome work, Ladies!!
